2. Uh, I realize he's not perfect, but I can't pretend I'm not glad Obama won. I am. I'm very glad. Fuck yeah for vaginas and progress!
My favorite Obama picture. I can't help it, it's adorable.
3. Wisconsin (you badass people, you) elected the first openly gay US senator. Fuck yeah!
Rep. Tammy Baldwin
4. Maine and Maryland have both legalized same-sex marriage, and it looks like Washington is doing the same thing. Fuck yeah!
OMG! A double rainbow!
5. Massachusetts legalized medical marijuana, and Washington legalized it even for recreational purposes (21+ of course)! I don't use any drugs myself, but I believe in both the harmlessness and value of marijuana, especially for medical use, so...fuck yeah!
6. Oregon once again turned down privately-owned casinos (this one is more personal, because the areas around the casinos tend to be completely sucky and we don't want that. Plus the Native American-owned casinos donate to keep Oregon beaches and other nature spots clean and maintained--private casinos wouldn't do that. There's more, I'm not going to go deep into it, but I'm glad). Fuck yeah!
My beautiful, awe-inspiring home state. *Wipes away pride/homesickness tear*
Look out, Vancouver, WA. You're about to get some serious Portlanders all up in your business. Watch both the economy and the population there go up big-time. And it's especially hilarious since I know so many Portlanders that are all snooty about Vancouver...but it's about to get REAL popular.
Bless you, America!
This was the only picture I could find of women with an American flag that weren't wearing American-flag bikinis. No joke. So...fuck yeah Betsy Ross!