According to Science (today the role of Science is being played by Brigham Young University) it’s a bad idea for People (today the role of People is being played by 276 18 to 25-year-olds, a third of whom are Mormon) to apologize via text.
And with a cast like that how could we possibly question the prominence of this study.
Yes, it’s probably true, but did you know that 98.9% of us have probably already arrived at the same conclusion without the aid of Science. Not to mention that 100% of the stats in the preceding sentence were invented on the spot.
Regardless, I think we can all agree that every case is different, but a face to face apology is usually more appropriate than a quick text. And for the love of all that is good, if you must resort to such means, at least spell out the whole words. “I m srry.” Is just lazy.
Still, I do admit that I’ve found that a well placed sad monkey emoji can be worth more than a thousand sorry’s. To each his own.
Mashable: It’s Probably a Bad Idea to Resolve Arguments via Text, Science Says
…bi-daily smile…