Welcome to my site. You may want to check out my book, "Kill Me Now!". Thanks for visiting!
How many of us have been on a bad date? How many of us have wanted to escape a bad date? How many of us have arrived at the date and seen that our partner is totally different and not even wanted to start the date? Believe me, I have been there and hence my book, “Kill Me Now!”
My friend Tabetha when she gets to her date, and as you know you have 30 seconds to make an impression, and if she does not like something, she will not even sit down. Kind of like the song “Suzanna” where you have the line, “Sorry to waste your time.” I personally think that is rude as we are all humans, or supposedly. I presume that the prospective date showered and dressed for the occasion and they should be given a small chance. In small communities, you do not know when you are going to meet this person again. Maybe a future spouse of a friend? Maybe you will go to them for a job interview? Who knows?
Serial daters have lists of “escape tactics” for when they are in the middle of a bad date. Some are so lame that they really do not spare your date’s feelings. This website shows ten different ways of escaping a bad date, almost sounds like “50 ways to leave your lover”:
- Spill a drink on yourself
- Have your friend call you 20 minutes into the date
- Sneak out the door
- Find out what he’s looking for
- Tell him that you don’t like sex
- Accuse him of looking at another woman
- Tell him you spotted your ex-boyfriend
- Start crying uncontrollably
- Say you’ve got your period early
- Tell the Truth

Credit to eHarmony
In my research I came across something which may be of assistance to others: Bad Date Rescue App, a free iPhone tool developed by the online dating company Eharmony that allows anyone to end an awkward night out gracefully, and believably.
With the touch of a button, the app will simulate a fake phone emergency phone call.
“Schedule a call from your mom, who will inform you that your sister is having a baby! Your neighbor, informing you a water pipe in your apartment has sprung a leak! Your boss, who just found out everything at the office isn’t working and needs your help NOW!” reads the app’s description in the iTunes store.

Users can specify when the call will arrive and even choose a “repeat after me” script to make their escape as believable as possible. Unlike similar apps, this one will actually simulate a voice on the other end of the line. Click the image on the right to download this in iTunes.
Isn’t technology amazing?
