My favorite way of feeding my soul is photography. It fills me with joy to go back and look at my albums, recalling special moments and memories. I am lucky that my closest friends are excellent photographers, too, and this simply adds to my joy. I fondly think of the days I wished for a camera, and then saved up enough to buy one of those aim and click Kodak cameras (I still have it). It used to be expensive to develop the film but that did not deter me. I’d feel happy that all my friends depended on me for photos of any get-togethers or events we organized or attended. And I had a tendency to capture all kinds of unusual things around the place, what with my penchant for the “little things”.
The excitement of capturing a moment on camera is amazing. And then, my son came along and made an even bigger shutterbug out of me. I wished I could afford to buy a video camera back then – I would have had so many clips to savor.
I remember the wonderful day, a few years ago when I went and bought my first digital camera – It was in September 2005 – a birthday present to myself. Suddenly, the world opened up in glorious color to me, never mind that I am colorblind. I couldn’t believe that I could click as many pictures as I wanted without worrying about the cost of developing and printing them and then, scanning them if I wanted to share them! I could upload them and view them on my computer and – gasp! – edit them!
Today, I am even more overjoyed to be able to carry a cellphone that can take pretty good photos. Technology has changed our lives so much.
Getting out on a walk with my camera is my way of feeding my soul. It is such a stress-buster, besides showing me that life exists beyond my immediate environment.
So after saying all that you would expect me to show off some of my own photos, right? Wrong. Today, I am keen on sharing my dearest friend Ravi‘s photos. I love his generosity in giving me free rein to freak out with his photos. He is one of the best human beings I know and value his friendship as much as I value my life.
Here are some of my favorites from his recent photography: Go ahead and click the photos to see them full screen – you can navigate from one photo to the other with the arrows on the side.
Isn’t it beautiful? A happy peacockStanding vigil togetherContemplating on lifeWoodpecker at workCrabby day?Feeding my soulI am linking up with UnknownMami, one of my favorite bloggers, who hosts the Sundays in my City meme. Through her, I get to travel the world with a big group of bloggers. Come join us!
Do you enjoy feeding your soul? How do you do it?
Please share in the comments!
Some fabulous posts I enjoyed feeding my soul with, this week:
How can I be more kind? at Positive Provocations
10 ways to see the world different at The BridgeMaker
Self Care Secrets and tips by 12 bloggers at Treatment Talk (yep! I am one of them!)
Have a beautiful week ahead!
I am glad you are here. May your day be filled with smiles!
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