Oh, dating, dating, dating. The very word strikes fear into some people’s hearts while waiting for cupid’s arrow to strike them. A modern day ritual that many would gladly do without, hoping for their beloved to come knocking on their door or waiting for a knight in shining armor or a superman to sweep them off their feet or a princess and so on and so on. So until that happens, maybe we should watch TV?
Today we are constantly bombarded with messages, advice and rules about what to do or not do and how to act when dating. Yet, if you look at someone wrong or say something out of place, you get calls about sexual harassment. So, how can one compliment a woman’s arse? Maybe that is her best feature? I know that I am a gentleman and always opens the door, to allow a woman walk in first. That way I can check out her arse. Yes, it sounds sexist but I can do it without being accused of looking at her boobs instead of her eyes.
In this age of feminism where women have sought out equality to become strong, independent and self-sufficient, have they started losing their softer side? When I open the car door for a woman, I am considered weak. The initial comment is “What a gentleman!” However I am often asked not to, as they can open the door for themselves. The origin of this piece of chivalry is antiquated of course and there is little reason to do so. Central locking unlocks the car door anyway. However, there are modern reasons for doing so and I will continue this practice for my own selfish reasons. If a particular woman does not like it, I will stop doing it for her.
When a woman is strong and independent, there is a lot of positive energy emanating from her. Most people with positive energy seem to uplift those in their immediate vicinity. I can tell you that the waitresses come quicker. But of course they would, better to come to an area of positive energy than negative energy. This is exactly the reason why it is good to date after sport. But remember, not a sauna and remember to bring a full change of clothing.
But despite the feminism, when it comes to the date itself, all of a sudden there is no question in the woman’s mind. The guy must pay! Period. No arguments, no dutch treat. The check does not exist. Where has feminism and equality gone when the bill arrives. One date of mine conveniently went to the toilet every time the bill arrived and did not get back until I handed the waitress my gold Mastercard with my phone number on the back.
In physics, opposites attract and it is normally the same with chemistry. If you have two strong people, someone has to relinquish the reigns. A tennis match between two equal opponents lasted 12 hours. How boring. If women are getting stronger, are men getting weaker? I know that my own EQ has increased exponentially but does that mean I am effeminate? I am pretty sure you would not say that to me, to my face. Unless of course you want your own face changed.
Someone noted: “Men! Initiate, open doors, help us with our coats, pick up the tab for drinks…even if we can do all of this on our own.” What do you think?