Self Expression Magazine

…Find the Words

Posted on the 28 September 2017 by Zer @the2women

…Find the WordsToday is National Poetry Day,

And I have something I’d like to say.

Poems, they come in all shapes and sizes,

An obvious statement, I realize this.

There’s a sonnet, haiku,

Narrative, and limerick, to name a few.

No matter the format of their verse,

A poets work has a purpose.

Each word and each line be perfectly timed,

So reader and writer can open their mind.

Consider this poem a friendly reminder,

That we could all be a little bit kinder.

So, take the time you and others deserve,

To carefully and consciously choose your words.

…just for fun:

A reminder that there’s poetry everywhere…and it’s a small world after all.


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