Creativity Magazine

Finger Muddies

Posted on the 02 April 2012 by Somkritya @somkritya
wrapped in  my sari A face painted with lipstick smiling little angel knocked on my door and said Ma…. model that of course she was I looked at her and smiled  and told her you are the best she giggled,pointed at my face and said liptip (lipstick) and we both looked super hot on that beautiful mischievous afternoon Bonita

Bonita holi colours(left) and lipstick all over her face(right)

and then one afternoon she came all proud grass in her hair fingers dipped specially in mud which she called finger muddies toes brown green grunge covered in  grass and mud pack and she said mummy look i painted earth on my frock i hugged my daughter and said aint this the best painting in the world :) and she said i can paint this on you too i have more and i smiled and said really i cant wait to see what’s in store oh the earth print on both of us scared the neighbours earned some frowns and some cute little giggles such are my afternoon delights [This poem is about my daughter (BONITA)when she was a little kid and the fun crazy afternoons we used to have. There are things only a mom and daughter share, what a blessing it is to have a daughter] Today-April 2nd is Autism Awareness day. I was brainstorming how to reach to other parents and then got an idea from my friend Autumns’s todays post, where she wrote about how time flies and our little angels grow up and before we can say a proper bye they are far away from the nest. And then wrote the above poem on all the fun afternoons we used to have :) I remembered the early days when we were struggling to break the barrier between us and our daughter. She didn’t speak properly ..that is in sentences or understood small instructions till she was 8-9. Early on we realised we were doing it all wrong and instead of books started listening to our hearts. We were trying to teach our daughter our ways without understanding or knowing where she was……that is when the whole journey of autism,understanding,playing and creating new exciting possibilities, customising instructions to make it easy and fun for our daughter began. If you have read one of my posts Zuckles,Zonita zand Zee you will know We( Bonita and me) are two crazy people growing up and learning the skills to live in this insane world and so far we have done pretty good job. :) Finger Muddies I am no “Guru” on Autism but would definitely like to share one thing i have learnt in all these years…know your child and become one if needed and see how easy parenting becomes. It is important to instill good values in your child through your work and words. It is important to teach discipline too but do you really know the PERSON you are trying to mould or discipline??

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