It is Friday again. Ever since we started doing Flashback Friday Friday comes twice as fast. I'm not complaining though. This has been a great week. I created an I Phone App so you can get updates from the Chasing Joy Facebook Page righto on your phone (click here). I also registered this Blog on Amazon so you can now download Chasing Joy directly to your Kindle (click here) :-)
Now it's time for Flashback Friday once again !! This weeks Flashback, 100 Things About Me, is exactly that. So get to know me a little better and tell me something abut yourself. Also, if you decide to do your own 100 things list let me know so I can check it out and learn all about you.
Now it's time to LINK UP!!! If you are not familiar with the Flashback here is the deal. Flashback Friday is where we Flashback to our older blog posts and link up! You can also post a link to your Flashback post on the Chasing Joy Facebook Page. Flashback Friday is a great way to rediscover our earlier works and discover some new blogs. Just pick out your link and add it below. Use hashtags #FBF or #FlashbackFriday on twitter to advertise your Flashback post.
Add your link below and be sure to check out AT LEAST TWO other Flashback posts. I suggest the two listed before your post to make it easy. Please leave a comment saying why you selected your Flashback post and what you thought about the other Flashback posts. I'm looking forward to reading all of your Flashbacks.
Don't forget to grab the I am Chasing Joy and Flashback Friday buttons!