Self Expression Magazine

Flashback Friday: Dog Philosophy

Posted on the 05 October 2012 by Chasingjoy @chasing_joy
Happy Friday everyone!  I hope you all had a great week.  I am still riding high off of the Blogalicious 12 Conference.  It was a great time. However, before I left I was stressed because my dog, Hurt, had gotten sick and we had been in the animal ER only less than 24 hours before I got on the plane.  My mom took care of my sick dog while I was in Las Vegas and nursed him back to health.  Today's Flashback Friday, post Dog Philosophy, is appropriate because it is from another time when I had been worried over Hurt's health and he pulled through.  The post also shares how you can increase the Joy in your own life by taking on more of a Dog's Philosophy towards life.  Enjoy!
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** And Super Important,  Our Catalyst for Joy Candle Giveaway will be ending soon!

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