Self Expression Magazine

#FlashbackFriday: Chasing Joy's S.H.I.T. List

Posted on the 01 November 2013 by Chasingjoy @chasing_joy
Yay! Friday!
I hope you had a really great week. This week I have committed to trying, and trying, and trying again, as many times as it takes to lose weight. I also got a better understanding of a recurring dream I have been having.
If your week was not so great I hope this weekend will be coated in awesome sauce!  It's  already looking up as you are here for #FlashbackFriday :-)
My weekend  should be pretty good.  Today I am going to visit the Philadelphia area Hope Lodge.  The Hope Lodge provides housing for people while they receive cancer treatment.  I'm visiting so that I can get a better appreciation for what they do because they are the recipient charity of the 2nd Annual Joy of Giving Charity Event.  I'm sure it will be a good visit :-)
Before I head out I have to get us all set up for #FlashbackFriday.  Flashback Friday is a weekly link up where you can add a link to your favorite oldie but goodie blog posts.  After you add your link be sure to visit AT LEAST two of the other links.  If you are first to link up be sure to come back a little later and visit some of the other links.   You can also share your post on the Chasing Joy Facebook page and tweet about it using the #FlashbackFriday Hashtag.
My favorite Flashbacks from last weeks link are:
Love for Grown- Ups reviews the book Love For Grown-ups which is about dating and marriage after age 35.
Love Design Life is about the armor we dress ourselves in to protect ourselves.
This week I am linking up Chasing Joy's S.H.I.T. List which is a cute way to count your blessings.  I may  start doing it again.
Now it's your turn.  Add your #FlashbackFriday post to the linky below.
  What did you link up and why?

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