Happy Friday Joy Chasers!!!
Hope you all had a good week. It was a fast one for me. I can't believe we are back at the Flashback Friday Link up already.
Here are my favorites from last week's link up:
Hashtags During Storms exemplifies how people are turning to social media in situations where they'd typically turn to the news, like the weather.
The link Lynne was so beneficial to me. It tells us what cancer patients are going through, as she sees it.
My Flashback Friday link this week is Fear Truth & Joy. It is about that part of becoming an adult where you realize so many things you thought of as facts really are not facts at all.
What post are you linking up with?
Here is how it works. Pick out your link for Flashback Friday and add it below. Link to any post you like of any theme you want. Then, if you want, you can post a link to your Flashback post on the Chasing Joy Facebook Page so more Joy Chasers can read it. Use the hashtag #FlashbackFriday or #FBF on twitter to promote your Flashback posts. Then, make sure you check out AT LEAST TWO other flashback posts. I suggest the two links before your post to make it easy. If you link up early be sure to come back and checkout those who join the linky after you. Please leave a comment below saying why you selected your Flashback post and what you thought about the other Flashback posts.
Give an old post new life through the power of the linky!!!