It's Fridddaaayyyy!!!!!! That means it is #FlashbackFriday and time for this weeks Pinterest Project update.
First up, #FlashbackFriday! #FlashbackFriday is a blogger link up. Every Friday on Chasing Joy we flash back to some of our older posts to give them a moment in the spotlight. It's fun and a good way to increase blog traffic, find new blogs to read, and new readers for your blog. Pick any older post from your blog and add it below. You can also increase blog traffic by sharing your post on the Chasing Joy Facebook page and on Twitter using the hashtag #FlashbackFriday. Also, I will Pin your post to the new #FlashbackFirday Pinterest Board.

** Please Note** Linkys only work when everyone plays fair. Be sure to visit at least two other blogs from the link up and leave a comment. Pick any two you like or keep it simple and visit the two blogs linked up before yours. If you link up early be sure to come back and visit blogs that linked up after you.
This week I am linking up The Hunt For Joyful Images. This was an online scavenger hunt game that we played on the blog a few years ago. It was fun for me to see the images using the word Joy.
My favorite post from last week's linky is How to Work a New Year's Resolution: Organizing a Doll Collection, Part 1 . I really enjoy reading about Dana's doll collections. I loved my dolls as a kid. I still have all of my Cabbage Patch Kids in my basement. :-)
Now it is your turn. Add your link below.
OK, now for your Pinterest Project Update! The Pinterest Project is a year long project where I will bring a Pin to life. Every week for 2015 I will take at least one Pin and attempt to include it in my real life. This week I only did 1 Pin. I have on my to do list for this year to come up with some Joyful Affirmations. However I have had writers block when it comes to writing my own. Sometime ago I had Pinned 10 Things You Must Tell Yourself Today by Marc. I decided to say all 10 as affirmations this week.
I set the alarm on my phone to go off 3 "I am priceless in someones eyes". That line really makes me think of my dad who truly thought I was priceless. I have enjoyed these affirmations this week.
times a day as a reminder to say the affirmations. The alarm has been essential because I would not remember on my own. I have to say when my phone would vibrate I would automatically smile when I saw that it was my affirmations reminder. I know affirmations take a long time to really show a change in your outlook, however I do feel good saying the affirmations and I always smile when I say
I'd say this one is a Pinterest Win!!!
Make sure you are following the Pinterest Project Board on Pinterest to see what Pin's work and what Pin's don't work.
What are you linking up this week and what have you been Pinning?