Before we start linking up our favorite blog post I want to take just a moment to introduce you to someone special. I'd like to introduce the first Chasing Joy Ambassador, Cherise Rollins.
Cherise Rollins is a Professional Interior Stylist & Lighting Expert. As an innovative designer, technical thinker, and creative artist she constructs personal spaces that inspire, empower, and invigorate. Cherise’s design mission is to make home personalization accessible to everyone. Her blog, ispaci, is built on the philosophy that design should start and end with ‘i’. On ispaci Cherise provides design tips and ideas to help people create homes that are fully equipped to support their personalities and lifestyles. It is her love for the individuality of people, a passion for design, and an adoration of the place we call home that fuels her work and her life. Cherise is excited to be a part of the Chasing Joy movement and helps others find joy by maximizing environmental wellness, order, and beauty within their homes.
The Chasing Joy Ambassador is a partnership between bloggers designed to spread the word about Chasing Joy to encourage others to make personal happiness a priority. Chasing Joy Ambassadors will be featured regularly on the Chasing Joy website having the opportunity to write up to two guest posts per month. Chasing Joy Ambassadors also receive complimentary registration at Chasing Joy Events.
I am currently seeking 1 more Ambassador. If you love the Chasing Joy blog and are interested in becoming an Ambassador please visit and complete the application. Feel free to email me at [email protected] if you have any questions.
Be sure to visit Cherise at to congratulate her for being the first Chasing Joy Abassador or Click to Tweet. "Congrats on becoming a Chasing Joy Ambassador @CheriseRollins. Looking forward to your take on happiness on"
Now, Let's Link Up!!
My favorite posts from last week's linky are:
- The Insomnia War, about the author's battle with insomnia
- Chrystina Noel- basic salad print out which has a free printable how to guide for making salads at the salad bar.
Now it's your turn.
Add a link to your favorite older blog post below. Share your post on the Chasing Joy Facebook Page and use the hashtag #FlashbackFriday on Twitter and Instagram to promote your Flashback posts. All are welcome to join the fun!!! The only rule is to visit AT LEAST TWO other flashback posts from the linky.
P.S. Make sure you are following the hashtag #PowerUp2013 tomorrow. I will be live tweeting form the Power Up Conference in D.C. Whoot!!!