This is how Flashback Friday works. Add a link to one of your favorite posts in the linky below. Share your post on the Chasing Joy Facebook Page and use the hashtag #FlashbackFriday on Twitter and Instagram to promote your Flashback posts. All are welcome!!! The only rule is to visit AT LEAST TWO other flashback posts from the linky. If you link up early be sure to come back and check out those who join the linky after you. Remember the linky does not work properly if you don't visit at least two other links :-)
Here are my favorite posts from last week's Flashback linky:
Fitnessbuster by Gillian Stephen explains the benefits of doing High intensity exercise.My Flashback this week is Joyful Pet Pics. It is quite cute :-)
50 Books Every Woman Should Read is pretty self explanatory. I will be sharing the list with my book club.
On to the link up!!!
After you link up make sure you grab the #FlashbackFriday button from the sidebar and click to tweet -> I just linked up for #FlashbackFriday with @Chasing_Joy.