Self Expression Magazine
#FlashbackFriday: Valentine's Day & Dating A CAJT
Posted on the 14 February 2014 by Chasingjoy @chasing_joy
Happy #FlashbakFriday and Happy Valentine's Day Joy Chasers!!!!
When I was not shoveling this week I was thinking about all of the Joyful things I can't wait to do once winter is over. I also spent quite a bit of time this week working out. I am a third of the way through the #100DaysOfFitness Challenge. I posted an update on my progress with the challenge complete with videos.
Do any of you have special plans today? I hope the recent snow in the Northeast part of the county has not put a damper on any special Valentine's Day plans you guys may have had. I'm not doing anything out of the ordinary for the holiday. I will be checking out all the posts you guys link up for #FlashbackFriday.
My favorite link from last week's linky is Chrystina Noel: Saved By The Bell themed Birthday.
This week, in honor of Valentine's Day,I am linking up my Happy Valentine's Day: Dating a CAJT. It is about a crazy dating experience I had a couple of years ago. Enjoy!
Now it is your turn!. Add your link below, then be sure to visit AT LEAST TWO of the other links. If you are first to link up be sure to come back a little later and visit some of the other links. You can also share your post on the Chasing Joy Facebook page and tweet about Linky using the #FlashbackFriday Hashtag.
Find new blogs and new readers via the power of the linky!!!!
When I was not shoveling this week I was thinking about all of the Joyful things I can't wait to do once winter is over. I also spent quite a bit of time this week working out. I am a third of the way through the #100DaysOfFitness Challenge. I posted an update on my progress with the challenge complete with videos.
Do any of you have special plans today? I hope the recent snow in the Northeast part of the county has not put a damper on any special Valentine's Day plans you guys may have had. I'm not doing anything out of the ordinary for the holiday. I will be checking out all the posts you guys link up for #FlashbackFriday.
My favorite link from last week's linky is Chrystina Noel: Saved By The Bell themed Birthday.
This week, in honor of Valentine's Day,I am linking up my Happy Valentine's Day: Dating a CAJT. It is about a crazy dating experience I had a couple of years ago. Enjoy!
Now it is your turn!. Add your link below, then be sure to visit AT LEAST TWO of the other links. If you are first to link up be sure to come back a little later and visit some of the other links. You can also share your post on the Chasing Joy Facebook page and tweet about Linky using the #FlashbackFriday Hashtag.
Find new blogs and new readers via the power of the linky!!!!