Other than my fall the week was pretty good. The Joy of Giving Charity Event was successful in collecting 254 items for the charity. This week I also gave a shout out to my three favorite Mommy bloggers. Now that the weekend is here I am hoping to take it easy, get some sleep and basically keep things uneventful One ER trip is exciting enough. I hope lots of you will link up for #FlashbackFriday so that I have plenty of posts to read. :-)
Flashback Friday is a weekly link up where you can add a link to your favorite oldie but goodie blog posts. After you add your link be sure to visit AT LEAST two of the other links. If you are first to link up be sure to come back a little later and visit some of the other links. You can also share your post on the Chasing Joy Facebook page and tweet about it using the #FlashbackFriday Hashtag.
My Flashback this week is Where Chasing Joy is From. It is a poetic biography of where I am from. My favorite posts from last week are.
Fitnessburner by Gillian Stephen which explains all the ways exercise helps ward off depression.
Savvy Working Gal which discusses office etiquette when a co-worker has a death in the family.What post are you linking up this week?
P.S. Don't forget to enter the contest for a free DNA Analysis from 23 and Me click here.