Self Expression Magazine

Friday Style: Conference Casual

Posted on the 24 May 2013 by Kcsaling009 @kcsaling

Good morning, folks, and happy Friday! It’s a relief to be at the end of the week and to be able to leave some of the heavy stuff behind, even though this is going to be a working weekend. I’m headed to Washington D.C. to present at a conference with my research team – my sister and my mother! I can’t tell you how much fun it’s been to be able to work on professional projects with my family, or how much they’ve inspired me. In honor of this conference weekend, today’s Friday Style is about polished conference wear. It’s easy to write off conferences as business suit events, but while some of them are that formal, some of them aren’t. This is a more academic conference than the Society for Risk Analysis meeting I presented at in San Francisco last fall and the one we’re presenting at in Barcelona the week after next, so even when people dress up, they’re a little more dressed down. This is one of the outfits I have in mind.

Conference Casual Friday Style: Conference CasualFriday Style: Conference CasualFriday Style: Conference CasualFriday Style: Conference CasualFriday Style: Conference CasualFriday Style: Conference CasualFriday Style: Conference CasualFriday Style: Conference CasualFriday Style: Conference Casual

I’m a big Tommy Hilfiger fan, as you might have noticed {most of these pieces are Tommy}, because they’re the right combination of polished and casual that I want for this particular type of event. There’s a lot of art and science that goes into dressing for a professional event just because of the impression your appearance makes. As much as I hate to say it, even in today’s “modern” society, how you look influences how people are going to treat you. You have to strike a tricky balance, being professional without being frumpy, being stylish but not trendy, dressing so that people will take you seriously but not so that they think you’re boring. Fashion is fun, sure, but it’s also hugely important. Your appearance is the first impression you set. Make it a good one.

I’m still blogging every day in May, so you’ll see a few of my thoughts pop up this weekend by virtue of scheduled posts, but since I’ll be off and about, I want to wish everyone a very happy, restful, and restorative weekend!


Friday Style: Conference Casual

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