Self Expression Magazine

Friday Style: Rock the White

Posted on the 31 May 2013 by Kcsaling009 @kcsaling

Hello, all, and happy Friday! I’d say I’ve never felt as busy and crazy as I have this week, but I’d be lying. I do tend to plan activities on top of activities, and this week was no exception. Today is my last day at the office, and now my husband and I are turning our attention to moving out of the house and then taking off to Europe for a week! I’m excited – not only do I get to add a brand new country to my list {Spain} but I get to spend a couple days showing Scott around a long-time favorite city {Paris}!

It looks like the weather there is going to be A LOT milder than the sudden rush of summer we’ve had around these parts, too, so that makes me think about actually pulling out some stylish summer clothes. Our Friday’s Fancies challenge this week is rocking the white, and I’m sorry, but I’ll never be one of those girls who can rock white shorts or white jeans. Around this time last year I was rocking the only white dress I’ll ever manage, so that’s out. So if I had to incorporate some bright whites into my everyday wardrobe, this is probably a lot closer to what I’d do:

rock the white Friday Style: Rock the WhiteFriday Style: Rock the WhiteFriday Style: Rock the WhiteFriday Style: Rock the WhiteFriday Style: Rock the WhiteFriday Style: Rock the White

Jeans. Because jeans go with everything. I don’t care who tells me differently. Crochet, because it can make even the simplest piece look awesome. Tall wedges, because they rock. This satchel, because it will carry all of my travel items – I’m going shopping for travel satchels today, thank you very much, because I need something that will effectively carry all my travel items! And the shiny stuff, scarf, and glasses because like it or not, I’m a bit of a hipster. I’m okay with that, because admitting it is disgustingly ironic. Yeesh.

Here’s hoping everyone has a lovely weekend and I’ll see you on the other side of our trip – I have a few scheduled posts coming while I’m gone, but this is the last of the really me posts for a while. Stick around if you want more of the usual, and if you want to see some of our travels, you can always follow me on Twitter or Instagram!


Friday Style: Rock the White

P.S. I managed to blog very nearly every day in May! Follow the link to Jenni’s page and see the rest of the folks who are joining in the challenge!

Friday Style: Rock the White

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