Self Expression Magazine

…garder La Porte Ouverte

Posted on the 14 November 2015 by Zer @the2women

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Kindness can come from the smallest of gestures. It takes so little, but can create so much. Today, World Kindness Day, we were all faced with another tragic reminder of its importance.

In the midst of the chaos and violence in Paris, two words (one hashtag) are rising above it all: #PorteOuverte. Or as the Americans would say #OpenDoor.

It’s the message of kindness coming out of Paris tonight as Parisians open their homes to those stranded by the citywide lockdown.

Tomorrow there will undoubtedly be confusion, accusations, anger, and more chaos, but tonight there is kindness and an open door. It’s a comforting thought.

Stay safe, Paris.

…bi-daily smile…

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