Self Expression Magazine

…get in Your Head

Posted on the 10 October 2018 by Zer @the2women
…get in your head

Some What to Watch Wednesdays I have to debate which show I want to share, which is the most relevant at that moment in time, or which is just really rocking it out. This week, there was no debate.

Without a doubt, it's a very "Crazy Ex-Girlfriend" Wednesday. Let me count the reasons...

1. This stunner of a show returns for a new season this Friday evening.

…get in your head

2. This season also happens to be its final season.

…get in your head

3. Today is World Mental Health Day.

Yes, spoiler alert, "Crazy Ex-Girlfriend" is about mental health.

…get in your head

It turns out this Golden Globe and Emmy Award-winning show wasn't just trying to take some sexist stereotypes down a notch or two...

…get in your head

...but also confront the stigma of mental health...

…get in your head

Because strong, powerful women talk (and sing and dance) about the tough stuff too...

…get in your head

But this isn't just about us, gentlemen. Strong men talk (and sing and dance) about the tough stuff too...

…get in your head

Because, just like any other illness, mental health is not an easy thing to talk about...

…get in your head

If only there were a song (or a whole musical comedy television show) to help us start the conversation...

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