I think we all have things that we wish were different. Things that we believed to be true and made certain decisions based on those truths only to find out we were wrong. Things that we feel just aren't fair. If we are not careful these things can bubble up to the surface and fill us with anger, resentment, and other unjoyful emotions.
I realize I have a few of those things that I need to deal with. They are things that I cannot change. Things that I just need to get over. I know I am not alone. Many of us have resentments over past relationships, work situations, health problems and just a general feeling of life not being the way we expected it to be. Or the feeling of not achieving some of the things we worked so very hard for. Another biggie is the feeling of getting what you thought you wanted only to realize that that's not what you really wanted after all.
So how do we get over this stuff? Unload this baggage? Let go of these disappointments?
Well I don't know. I don't have the answer. But my very best guess is that it should go like this. I think / hope acknowledging these feelings is a good place to start. Followed by letting go of whatever you thought was to be, that isn't, meaning stop trying to force it to happen or stop pretending that it didn't. Next grieve over the loss of the life you thought you'd have. Then accept things as they are. Finishing up with enjoying your life as is.
This is my very unscientific, completely intuitive (although influenced by having had some therapy), approach to getting over the things that keep bubbling up to the surface.
Are there things you need to Get Over? Do certain emotions keep bubbling up to the surface because you have not really gotten over them? Have you successfully gotten over some big life disappointments or difficulties? How did you do it? How do you get over it so that you can get more Joy?
I'm going to try this approach on myself over the next few weeks and let you know how it goes. Stay Tuned!!!