Let the countdown begin. It’s two weeks until the Academy Awards, and 2WC is going Oscar crazy.
Before we dive into our marathon of nominated films, as well as a few that were overlooked, we thought we would take a moment and discuss what it is that we love about the movies.
Zer: Call it escapism (with a disapproving tone) if you must, but the fact is, movies are an escape. They supply a short reprieve from the daily grind. And if they’re worth their salt, they teach us a little about ourselves. Even if it’s just that you don’t like to think when you’re at the movies. There’s no shame in loving popcorn cinema.
These hightened versions of real life (and not so real life) help us make sense of our own crazy lives. If you can’t identify with something in a film, well, it’s probably not very good. The same movie, can be a million different things to a million different people. Despite what you might think, film is not static. With every viewing, a movie becomes something different.
Movies are life, with all its comedy, romance, action and occasional dullness condensed into an hour or so.
Stephanie: Films are a part of culture. Culture is a part of humanity. Presumably you are a member of that humanity…ergo…
These are our stories. Maybe you haven’t personally been to war, won a championship or saved Middle Earth from the wrath of Voldemort; that doesn’t mean you can’t relate. They’re tales of the human (hobbit and/or wizard) experience at their most extreme and mundane.
They allow us to dream, help us cope and expand our horizons. They are accessible and cathartic. Can you imagine a world without movies? I can’t…well I can…actually that would be a really great movie.
R.I.P Ms. Houston-