Happy National Pasta Day, crusaders!
Today we take a moment for this humble, diverse, and perfect cheese and sauce vessel, pasta.
I stand before you today not only as a pasta enthusiast, but in defense of the carb. Somewhere on the road to healthy living, pasta became the enemy, a rare, tempting treat to be enjoyed only with a side of guilt.
Today, on this most hallowed of pasta days, I say, no more! They are not something to be feared or only reserved for the night before your long run. The carb shaming ends today. In fact, I’ll go a step further and ban all unrequested calorie counting as well. News blast: You need calories to live. That’s just science.
Now, if you want to count your calories and sneak pasta on the side, by all means, go for it, but keep it to yourself and let the rest of us enjoy our meals.
I’m a strong supporter of you doing you, but if that involves counting other people’s calories for them, you might want to do you a little bit less.
So today, enjoy your pasta, carbs and all. Bon appetit.
…bi-daily smile…