This time of year has many feeling nostalgic for their school days. Okay, it has me feeling nostalgic, but I like to think I'm not alone.
Knowing that every day I would learn something new, it was a dream.
The beginning of the school year is as good a reminder as any that this constant learning should not stop, ever.
If it does, we stop growing as people. We detach ourselves from the world. In short, it's bad.
Thankfully, the age of streaming makes it simple to keep learning without ever leaving your couch. Here's a few to checkout or revisit.
"Bill Nye Saves the World"Bill Nye seems to have a gift for reappearing at exactly the moment we need him most. The show tackles a whole slew of topics ranging from climate change to gender fluidity. The message at the heart of it all - ignorance is not always bliss.
"Blue Planet II"Aside from the gorgeous cinematography, this years in the making series from the BBC drops some serious aquatic knowledge. There's a chance that you'll drive people nuts with facts like octopi are super smart and sharks are super dumb. Although, you may also drive them to watch, which isn't a bad thing.
"Cosmos"It's been four years, and the world needs more "Cosmos." Seeing as that doesn't seem to be happening anytime soon, the 2014 reboot of the original, hosted by astrophysicist Neil deGrasse Tyson, is worthy of a rewatch.