Self Expression Magazine

…Get Way Out There

Posted on the 10 May 2018 by Zer @the2women

…Get Way Out There
Some days the search for intelligent life, both on this planet and others, can feel like a lost cause. Thanks to new legislation in the House of Representatives, the search may receive new funding.

Part of a larger plan for the future of NASA, the legislation would allocate funding to the Search for Extraterrestrial Life Institute (aka – SETI), which was created and then swiftly defunded in the early 90s. Specifically, it proposes $10 million for each of the next two years to search for technosignatures (aka – radio transmissions).

In other words, they want to see if E.T. is phoning home.

I’ll allow you a moment to freak out, either because you’re super excited or because you’ve seen “Alien,” and you know how this ends.

You good? Okay, here comes the truth bomb.

The idea of making contact with other life in our universe is exciting. Knowing we’re not alone in the universe would be huge. That being said, in the realm of science, there are currently quite a few projects that could use that money more.

Climate change, for example, is very much a real thing. It’s already impacting water supplies, food production, and human health across the globe. Projects and initiatives that can help combat this very real threat have been downsized and in some cases, eliminated.

If we don’t start making serious changes on a global scale, that extraterrestrial life won’t have anyone to call back.

So by all means, continue to fund the search for intelligent life. Just make sure that search is a lot closer to home.

More on the Story: Newsweek

…just for fun:


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