Something recently just occurred to me: my wedding is in six months. Holy merde! I haven't started any of the preparations. And to be honest, I don't know the first thing about putting together a wedding in France. I find comfort in the fact that it's not going to be a big brouhaha that weddings have become in the States, so that's relieving some of the stress. The idea is to feel celebrated but not carry on as if I'm the first person in the world to get married. I hate that. With that said, this means that I will not be coming out on a jeweled elephant. Sorry guys.
Unlike my last engagement (I get a kick out saying that), the dress isn't effortlessly falling into my lap like it did on an impromptu trip to my favorite vintage store on Sunset Boulevard. Like a novice, I actually Google searched "wedding dress". You can imagine the results; a fleet of floor-length, powder-white strapless dresses staring back at me.
Shelving the dress "sitch" until after the holidays, I figured I could at start the search for the perfect coiffeur. Easy task, right? Haha! Silly me. I live in Paris. No task is easy. Over the course of the last few months, I had popped into several salons to talk hair. My "concept" on a simple flower-free chignon fell flat on confused French ears. They had no idea what the hell I was talking about. Feeling frustrated and deflated that I can't even manage these basic details, I decided to set aside all wedding decisions until after the holidays.
And then something happened...
Like a fairy godmother (cue in magical fairy dust sound effect), Style Pixie English Hairdressers appeared. Speaking English at a salon in Paris? The thought hadn't even occurred to me! I speak so much French here that I forget that communicating with fellow Anglos sometimes is the answer, as cultural comprehension is just as important as linguistics.
I sent an email to the owner Victoria Nelson for a basic cut slash meet-and-greet before talking wedding, hoping I could get in before the holidays. She promptly responded to my request and I was able to snag a recent cancellation for a cut...this weekend. Despite my vicious cold that has kept me in bed for almost three whole days, pumped up with more meds than Neely O'Hara, I bundled up and got the hell out of my apartment. Even I was getting sick of my greasy pulled-back bun, red-nosed, leggings and over-sized Evergreen State College sweatshirt look, so odds were, so was my fiancé. I had to get my chic on. It's Christmas for pete's sake!
Located in the up-and-coming, Williamsburg-esque neighborhood of Ivry sur Seine, the full service salon finds itself a home in La Fabrique art gallery (so Williamsburg!); a collective space for local artists and expositions.
Even when I'm sick, I manage to throw a pair of heels on. Girl can't help it...
Victoria - with her enviable style and golden chic bob - thankfully didn't make me feel like a heinous mess. Don't you hate it when you go into a salon and the stylists accuse you of not taking care of your hair and that your shampoo isn't expensive enough? N'importe quoi. She psychically understood that I wanted to keep the length while cleaning up the ends, lifting that ratty look I've been rocking for almost two years. With precision, she cut my mound of hair, taking off several inches while managing to keep its volume. And instead of finishing the look with a pin-straight Birkin blow-out that most stylists are tempted to do, she worked with the curls and incorporated my natural bounce into the final look. After all, I'm more of a Bardot than a Birkin.
The result: Cascading waves as I dramatically look out onto a Parisian rue before retreating back home.
So despite my nasty flu, I managed to crawl out of bed to feel chic for the afternoon. It feels good to know that at least one wedding decision has been made this week. And now that I know the capabilities and magic that is Style Pixie, I might want something a little more complicated than a simple up-do. Maybe a splash of color? Perhaps some feathers? An owl's beak? The options are endless with Style Pixie! I can't wait to see what magic we come up with for the special day!
Style Pixie was certainly a gem find in a city that is saturated with salons and spas. To me this is my idea of a salon home and the culture I have been looking for here in Paris; gossip magazines, small talk with the other clients, hip decor and friendly and innovative staff. I think I found the next best thing in town. My hair is thanking me right now.
Style Pixie
2 rue Edouard Vasseur
Ivry sur Seine 94200
Metro 7: Pierre et Marie Curie
01 46 70 25 69