Tonight, the World Series kicks off. The Los Angeles Dodgers take on the Boston Red Sox in what will hopefully be an exciting series. Both teams will fight hard, their fans will cheer them on, and in the end, only one will win.
Elsewhere a different kind of battle (with higher stakes) is raging on the coasts and everywhere in between. I'm talking about the midterm elections.
Yes, that's right it's an election reminder sneak attack.
Unlike the World Series, this confrontation does not have a single winner. In fact, democracy works better if everyone works together, which brings me to my next point...
TWO WEEKS - That's how long you have to get your act together, learn about the issues, and make sure you are registered. Some states let you register the day of, so don't assume you missed it.
For those who missed your registration deadline, register anyways. This way you'll be ready next time. Just remember, and never forget, if you don't vote you can't complain. So, get out there and vote, team! Vote!
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