Self Expression Magazine

Getting Back to Making It Happen On Monday

Posted on the 23 February 2015 by Chasingjoy @chasing_joy
Getting Back to Making It Happen On Monday This  year I have tried to be more laid back, my zen more, at ease.  Sometimes I am those things and some times I am not.  The positives of being more laid back, zen and at ease is feeling less stressed, not trying to control everything, and  having more faith that things will be alright.  The negative is that I have gotten kind of lax with setting my goals each week.
One of the features of Chasing Joy that I really like is sharing my goals and hearing your goals on Make It Happen Monday.  I have not been good about my Make It Happen Monday goals this year and I am changing that today.
Here are my goals for the week.
  1. Not stress over upcoming doctor's appointments (mine and my mother's)
  2. Do burpees and butt workout 2 times 
  3. Housework 
  4. Add to the #1000Gratitudes
  5. Drink more water
  6. Get more sleep
  7. Laugh more
  8. Listen to my mantras
  9. Cook instead of ordering or eating out
  10. Select the winners of the two $15 Starbucks Gift Cards from the Chasing Joy 5 year Blogaversary giveaway.
Not a bad list of goals if I don't say so myself.  I'll be sharing my goals today on my social media accounts using the hashtag #MakeItHappenMonday.  I'd love to hear about your goals.  Tell me what you want to accomplish this week in the comments below or in response to me social media posts.
Now I can quickly cross one goal off my list.  The two winners of the Starbucks Gift Cards are........
Rosie and Theresa
These Joy Chasers have been contacted!
What's on your Make It Happen Monday goal list for the week?

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