Self Expression Magazine

…give a Little Bit

Posted on the 02 December 2015 by Zer @the2women

Untitled design (60)After a long weekend of “can’t miss” and “doorbuster”deals (a decidedly strange term), and an inbox drowning in promotional emails to prove it, there’s something incredibly comforting about #GivingTuesday.

For a brief, glorious moment that steady flood of holiday emails/Tweets/banner ads begging you to buy the latest greatest (insert gift here) so that your friends and family know you really care about them turns into a message of generosity and goodwill, which is really what this season is about.

Sure, there’s still a flood, but the change in message makes all the difference. So, I hope you all find a way to give this #GivingTuesday and remember the reason for the season.

And now, to close, a shameless plug for my own fundraising efforts, but a truly great cause:

This #GivingTuesday, make a difference by contributing to @StJude Heroes: #StJudeRun

— Stephanie (@slm326) December 1, 2015

…bi-daily smile…

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