This Giving Tuesday...which fittingly follows our national day of thanksgiving...which is then followed by our national day of shopping, followed by another national day of shopping to support local businesses - #SmallBusinessSaturday)...and we can't forget that one last day of shopping (online...because you know, you now only have 27 shopping days until Christmas)...
Needless to say, this day of giving is a welcome reprieve from the dead sprint from Thanksgiving to Christmas we now find ourselves in, not to mention a wonderful reminder of the reason for the season - goodwill towards our fellow men and women, especially those in need.
It's also a great time to remember that generosity can take many forms. Time is just as valuable and it's something we can all give, even in this oh-so-busy time of the year.
So, by all means, get out there and enjoy the fun this season has to offer it'll be over before you know it, but don't forget to share those joys with those who could really use it this time of year and carry the spirit of #GivingTuesday with you always.
p.s. I'm currently fundraising for St. Jude on Facebook ahead of its Memphis Marathon this coming weekend. You can make your giving go further this #GivingTuesday by donating on Facebook today. Facebook is partnering with PayPal to match donations up to $7 million. You can make your donation here go further (today!) for a great cause here. smile...