Self Expression Magazine

…Go Live

Posted on the 01 October 2016 by Zer @the2women

demrepToday marks a huge turning point in the election. After months and months (and months) of pure presidential election madness, finally we get a bit of a breather…or at least a laugh.

Yes, after a summer long hiatus, finally Saturday Night Live returns!

While SNL has its moments every season, where they really shine is during election years, and this one is a doozy.

Tonight’s premiere episode promises Kate McKinnon returning as Hillz and Alec Baldwin will take over the part of Trump. It promises to be fantastic, but one does wonder just how much the writers will actually have to do to add humor. A straight reenactment would include one shoulder shimmy, a serious case of the sniffles, and more than a few “did he really say that?” comments from Trump.

Still, it will be nice to genuinely laugh at the circus we’ve been witnessing for the last several months. Thank you, Saturday Night Live for giving us a bit of a reprieve, even if it is a reminder of just how ridiculous this year’s election has been.

…just for fun:

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