G is for Green and we’re going green today. It is week two of the #AtoZChallenge and I must say I am loving it! What seemed rather exhausting initially feels like fun now. May I express my love and Gratitude to all you wonderful readers who’ve visited, commented and encouraged? Thank you!
April 22 is Earth Day and what better time than to talk about going green now!
Going Green
Going Green is the need of the hour to make sure we leave a planet for the future generations to live in. It is a long and winding road fraught with hitches before we get there. I was recently doing some research for a client to write about environmental sustainability and was shocked to find some facts. I know we’re going downhill with our collective lifestyles when it comes to saving the planet, but this was too much.
The solution to this problem is going green. Here are seven easy ways to start right now: (G is the seventh letter of the alphabet – I just realized!)
Go local
Buy from the local market which sells locally grown produce. This is more eco-friendly and involves less transportation. I was horrified to read that coffee often has a big carbon footprint considering the distance it has to travel by the time we pour it into our coffee cup. I felt just a bit relieved to think we live near the plantations from where we get our coffee. Phew! And I also cut down to two cups a day.
Watch that packaging
These days, most of the supermarkets that were way too generous with their plastic bags have stopped issuing them for free. Instead they charge a nominal amount for a bag. But this is not a solution. A better way of going green is to carry your own reusable bag. Remember how we used to, a couple of decades ago? Those days, our local grocery shops always packed in newspaper or brown paper bags. Why not get back to that? Get a smart tote bag – you’ll be going green even as you add to your style!
Cut down on bottled water
All those plastic bottles. Enough said. Even if plastic bottles are recycled, not all are. It is so sad. to see them lying around every where.
Saving energy around the house
Some easy ways to save energy around the house:
- Change your light bulbs to CFL or compact florescent light bulbs which save 75% energy.
- To save on cooking fuel, I plan and use my pressure cooker to cook, so that what remains to be done only takes ten minutes.
- Like your food hot? Use a hot pack rather than reheat.
- Switch off lights, fans and other gadgets when not in use.
- Make it a point to switch everything off when you leave the room.
- Unplug after you switch off. Leaving that plug in your plug point consumes energy.
- When you go out, ensure all lights and other fixtures are off and water taps are closed
- Fix leaky taps and faulty electrical points
- Use appliances only when necessary
- Cut down on disposables and go for reusables or recyclable.
- Don’t print it if you don’t need it
There are so many more ways for going green.
Try window shopping when you want to shop
One of the best ways you can practice going green is to only buy what you need. If it is a want, try window shopping. Think hard: do you really need it? Impulse buying has a way of adding to your carbon footprint. So be conscious about your spending and save money in the process. Why feel guilty later? And hey, carpool when you go out!
Enjoy time with family and friends
This is a great going green method and a personal favorite. Cooking for larger groups saves time and energy, while letting you enjoy priceless moments with those you love. Walk, don’t ride! Enjoy nature.
Finally, the three Rs – Reduce, Reuse, Recycle
Buy less. Reuse what you have. Fix that which is fixable and usable. There are so many ways to make wealth out of waste. Follow the rules when it comes to segregation in garbage disposal. Rather than throw away something in good condition, donate. It is also a good way to stay clutter free. Check out the Freecycle network in your area to give away stuff you don’t need.
“Going Green”
Vidur’s painting featured in IISc Calendar 2011 for November
Here is a quick round up of last week’s posts from A to F for the #AtoZChallenge
A for Angels watching over me
B for Bhagavad Gita
C for Coffee Quotes, Notes and Memories
D for Dialogues From Within
E for Eleven Easy Ways to Elevate Energy Levels
F for Folktales From Around The World
And Today, I recommend
Shilpa Garg’s G is for….Go Green
Rhonda Albom’s Greek Gods Get Respect
Question for you:
What are your tips for going green?