Self Expression Magazine

Good-bye October, November AND December.

Posted on the 31 December 2012 by Asoloaffair @a_solo_affair

Well folks, 2012 is over and if I can be completely honest, it was the longest and hardest year of my life. I have learned so much about myself that it’s downright shocking — and you know, because I blogged all about it! Although I’m proud to say that I did more than I ever thought I could do solo, 2012 came with its fair share of tumultuous tribulations that knocked me to the ground more than once.

I’ve spent much of the last three months writing and running my butt off, but three big events stick out in my mind. I celebrated the big 3-0 back in October, said good-bye to my longtime pal, Oz in November and adopted a precious kitten named Noah in December.

Did the last few months treat you well? What was the highlight of your year? Below is what I captured on my iPhone during the last three months. If you’ve just joined, and you can see the recap of 2012 here.

I don’t know about you, but I’m so very ready for a fresh start! 2013 is gonna be a great one, I can feel it!


Good-bye October, November AND December.
running gear
Good-bye October, November AND December.
Toronto waterfront half-marathon
Good-bye October, November AND December.
chillin’ Buddha

Good-bye October, November AND December.
my brother teasing me.
Good-bye October, November AND December.
Good-bye October, November AND December.
comfort food in Parkdale

Good-bye October, November AND December.
fire, beer and books
Good-bye October, November AND December.
Fall 2012: me
Good-bye October, November AND December.
social media ladies (mom and I)

Good-bye October, November AND December.
Good-bye October, November AND December.
Oz napping
Good-bye October, November AND December.
Christmas 2012

Good-bye October, November AND December.
Good-bye October, November AND December.
cottage getaway
Good-bye October, November AND December.
2012 Christmas: me

Good-bye October, November AND December.
Oz: I miss those paws
Good-bye October, November AND December.
animal ghosts
Good-bye October, November AND December.
2012 Christmas: mother

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