Courtesy of the ever-popular BSBFB The Borderline Sociopathic Blog For Boys -or- I Wish This Guy Spoke English, So I Knew What Was Going On. But Hey Cool Fire Tornado, Brah
The influence and power of social media is now evident to almost all living human on the planet. The platform is somehow controlling the very lives of every human being connected to it. Most of us benefit and enjoy all the things it offers however, an alarming increasing number of preys are currently experiencing the bad side of it. Since social media is impartial and free for all, what clings to it are both the good and the bad. Sadly, most people do not have the ability to distinguish one from the other.
Read, I, Pencil | Library of Economics and Liberty
What's interesting about Italy is that the small difference of lifestyle between social classes there has a big impact on why gathered data resulted to the country having the sixth highest life expectancy rate in the world. One example is reliance on the Mediterranean diet which spans all Italian social classes. Italians love to cook fresh everything - fish, vegetables and fruits. So, their animal fat intake is lesser than most countries. Italian cuisine also uses plenty of olive oil which is healthy. Another factor is that people in the beautiful country of Italy don't usually do binge drinking because they normally pair meals with wine.
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And that's the way it is in America. That's why we see many footprints leading in and few coming out. For with all our quarrels, our disagreements, our struggles, and our incessant bickering, this remains a land where you can always get another turn at bat, where you can always, right up until six months after death, get another chance to swing for the bleachers. And where, even if you aren't a player in "The Show," you can buy a seat out on the right field line and wait there for the crack of the bat, the rise of the ball against the sky, and. it's coming, it's coming.. and whap , you got it. You're in "The Show."
IT conscious companies are using social media sites to advertise their products and services, build customer loyalty and many other business interactions. Feedback and concerns from their customers are now being submitted faster and more organized thereby helping the businessmen improve their business endeavors faster and more efficient. Ads and different forms of marketing strategies that are being released into social media sites have found to be more effective in terms of coverage and turn-around rate.
The Known Universe takes viewers from the Himalayas through our atmosphere and the inky black of space to the afterglow of the Big Bang. Every star, planet, and quasar seen in the film is possible because of the world's most complete four-dimensional map of the universe, the Digital Universe Atlas that is maintained and updated by astrophysicists at the American Museum of Natural History. The new film, created by the Museum, is part of an exhibition, Visions of the Cosmos: From the Milky Ocean to an Evolving Universe,
This kind of happiness continued for so many generations and people were somehow satisfied not until the time came when technology broke the barriers. The moment technology found its way to better and efficient ways to provide communication too all of human race, that was the time when people started to gain another form of happiness and this time it is not just personal, it is not paternal, not even societal. This new form of happiness is considered global in scale. What I am talking about here is the thing we call Social Media.
Bruce Chatwin's book titled "The Songlines" , for instance, narrates how Australian aborigines conceive their world and formative history. Based on Aboriginal cosmology, there are 'songlines' that crisscross the whole continent of Australia and are said to have been traced out by their ancestral creators as they walked the land during the formative time called the Dreaming, leaving their mark in such landscape features as hills, rivers, rocky outcrops, ridges, waterholes and gullies. Outsiders may just view the varying physical markers in Australia as simple geographical contours. But for the local aborigines, these markers hold stories and histories, symbols and meanings.
From blackberries air-dropped from Peru and pre-stuffed Turducken's in the freezer rows to the "local sustainable organic" food items that are four times the price of their more plebeian corporate varieties, the sheer variety is staggering to someone who can remember when an orange in the toe of one's Christmas stocking was a very hard to obtain and expensive fruit for that season.
Like all things in this world, social media now shows both its halo and its fangs. The scary part of this though is its impact. Whatever output or information that social media provides, may it be beneficial or detrimental, surely millions of people around the world gets affected and may ricochet to a million more.
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