Self Expression Magazine

…Guess Who

Posted on the 04 August 2013 by Zer @the2women

There’s something you better understand about me, ’cause it’s important and one day your life may depend on it. I am definitely a madman with a box!

The Eleventh Doctor

Warning: If you don’t speak nerd this blog post may be a little hard to stomach and/or comprehend, but today is far too big a day for nerdom to worry about such things. So, although we apologize, we could not possibly interpret all of the dork-centric references in today’s post. This might help some: Doctor Who on Wikipedia. Good luck.

…Guess Who

The universe is big, it’s vast and complicated and ridiculous. And sometimes, very rarely, impossible things just happen, and we call them miracles.

The Eleventh Doctor

After just about 2 months of grieving the departure of Matt Smith and his 11th Doctor from the series, the moment all Whovians have been anticipating is here. This afternoon (1 p.m. CT on BBC America), his replacement will be announced simultaneously in the U.S. and U.K. (A kindness that certain other British television programs might take note of…we are talking to you Downton Abbey).

But today is not a day for bemoaning the six month gap in air dates for certain other shows. Today is for the last of the Time Lords, and wild last minute guesses at who Mr. Smith will be passing the sonic screwdriver and TARDIS keys to.

As with anything with this magnitude of importance to the whole of dork culture there are plenty of theories. Although, given this show’s gift for secrecy, especially that of the show’s head writer Steven Moffat, it’s safe to say that they’re probably all wrong.

The recent revelation of the 12th Doctor’s code name Houdini (or should we say Who-dini?) should have led to some interesting last minute guesses. However, the Internet has been suspiciously silent regarding any escape artist theories.

That’s all of little consequence, because we won’t be discussing any of that here. The topic has been beaten to death. Up until now the Doctor has been many things, but usually quite the same. With his upcoming regeneration there are many thinking about some big changes to the character. Here are a few:

  • A Woman Doctor: Yes, please. They’re fantastic as companions, but how much cooler would it be to have a she piloting the TARDIS. Seriously cool. Simply consider the possible wardrobe choices. Yes, it’s shallow, but true. Where do you go from, “bow ties are cool”? Skirts. We could write a whole post about why it’s high time that a woman got a shot at all of space and time, but alas, we’ll confine it to this bullet point. One final point Mr. Moffat, we won’t be angry if you cast another man, just very, very disappointed.
  • A Not-White Doctor: It’s not racist, it’s true. The Doctor is always different but he follows certain patterns, and pasty white man is one of them. We love that about him, we do, but it might be time to mix things up. So, if you have to cast another man, make the right choice.
  • An American Doctor: This is will not happen, end of story. The Doctor is always British. Sorry mates.

Before we head off to the final countdown, we wanted to take a moment to thank the 11th Doctor. It’s said that your first Doctor will always be your favorite, and Mr. Smith you were 2WC’s first. So, while we look forward to meeting the latest Time Lord, you and the Ponds will always have a special place in our hearts. Thanks for the memories…at least the ones that have not been erased by any one of the multiple times your Doctor has restarted the universe.

With that, we leave you with one final word, the perfect word for such situations. As the 11th Doctor would say, “Geronimo!”


Okay, we couldn’t quite help ourselves. Who do we think the 12th Doctor will be? We’ll give you a clue. He or she is somewhere in this clip, which narrows it down to about 50 British actors…and no we don’t think Harry Potter is the new doctor…that’d be silly:

…just for fun:

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