Almost every one of us have heard or read about hackers. Hackers are around us in all forms – good and bad. Every second day, there is a story of another boy gaining expertise in Hacking. Among all techy guys, there are some girls who are giving tough competition to these guys.
Shruthi Kamnath and Approva Giri are heading “” - a community of women for women who are passionate about ‘Information Security’.
Shruthi KamnathShruthi was always fascinated by hacking and thus without any doubt is a certified ethical hacker from EC council. She works at Infosys as a Security Analyst. She addressed more than 100 women police officers at c0c0n 2014.
Approva GiriApprova also works as a security analyst at iViZ Security. With her interest in web and mobile security, she presented a workshop on “Cyber Security and Ethical Hacking for Women” at c0c0n 2014at Kochi, Kerala.
Both girls have certainly faced their own challenges in the field ruled by men, but they are determined to get more women into the field. They urge every female interedted in the information security field to join infosec and increase the girl gang!
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