Diaries Magazine

Hello Winter.

Posted on the 05 October 2011 by Threesixfive @MamaChaser
Hello Winter.Hello Winter.Hello Winter.
We celebrate all three of our Birthdays in winter. B in November, mine in December and baby boy's (2nd!) birthday in February, when the weather doesn't know whether to freeze your toes or warm your head.

Ro was 10 months last Christmas and this year he'll be 22 months - two months away from being a whole 2 years old! Don't even ask me to comment on that one because I can't believe time escapes away from me so quickly. I started buying Christmas presents back in August - I'm working on being better prepared as a parent. Last year we ventured into Mothercare, in October, where they had a sale on. B talked me out of buying a few lovely items that then shot up to full price once the sale was over so this year my early buying plan is bullet proof - if he complains I just say the words; "Remember Mothercare last year?"I have a good feeling every year when Christmas draws nearer and I'm never disappointed on the day. 

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