Creativity Magazine
Yes i am in a soup
and it really is tasty
i want suggestions to write a blog post
want it soon but avoid being hasty
Today i have completed one year of blogging
what a great feeling hurrah to me
but i now have no idea how to celebrate
or share this wonderful news you see
shall i just write it down as a prose
or write a poem about this
or may be paint something
or make a cartoon strip
shall i trust the talking monkeys
or the singing crab
or the parrot who reads the news
or the foxes who makes ads
shall i hack Susie’s profile
and get freshly pressed twice
or like The Byronic Man get freshly pressed
writing a tribute to the unfollowee( that is a real word)
oh how about change my theme
to a bright shining font
or change my header with
hey look i am the cool one
maybe i should bribe a few
to spread the news
or may be write a scandulous post
to get maximum views
or declare I have psychic powers
and i can now see the dead
and oh my spells truly work and
i can improve your grades
how about my adventures in Amazon
that never happened but you don’t know that
or make a story how i saved lives in a remote tribe
or or or or or damn nothing rhymes
should i share a true story
like i do most of my Post’s
or may be just listen to what you have to say
and play a perfect host
what to i do how do i start
i don’t know i still have no clue
there is no website on
how to celebrate first blogoversay
Oh come on help me will ya