Self Expression Magazine

…hit a Ruff Patch

Posted on the 08 August 2017 by Zer @the2women

…hit a ruff patchToday in random holidays is all about happiness, it happens (true story). So today we celebrate Happiness Happens Day, which also happens to be both International Cat Day and Odie Day (yes, that Odie), and that can’t be a coincidence.

I can’t think of a cartoon dog that better represents the pervasiveness of happiness than this yellow ball of fur and pure love, whether his grouchy, orange counterpart, Garfield the cat, appreciates it or not.

…hit a ruff patch

Odie’s not just happy, he’s happy in the face of great adversity. (No offense, Garfield.)

…hit a ruff patch

But it’s much easier to be happy when you have the joyful spirit of those around you to feed off…

…hit a ruff patch

Not letting others determine your joy-levels whether they’re an orange cat with an affinity for lasagna or the impatient woman behind you at the grocery store, there’s something to be said for rising above and always being the rock star that you are. (15)

Because while by no means do we all need to be happy all the time (that would be creepy and unhealthy), it’s nice to anticipate its inescapable return. May we all aspire to be the Odie in our own life, in our own way…

…hit a ruff patch

…bi-daily smile…


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