Self Expression Magazine

…Hit the Road

Posted on the 24 November 2015 by Zer @the2women

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Like it or not, it’s coming. The busiest travel day of the year is nearly upon us. Unless you have plans to hit the road early, or barricade yourself in your house for the next 48 hours, you’re going to have to deal with it.

Whether you’re driving, flying, or training it, we could all use a reminder on how to behave when faced with large crowds and long wait times. 

Don’t Honk Your Horn — Unless there’s an emergency, there’s really no need to use your car horn. Just to be clear, sitting in bumper to bumper traffic is not an emergency. So, take a deep breath, turn up the radio, and enjoy the peace before the holiday madness. If you’re not driving, this still applies. Shouting is for emergencies only. If you think you’re the only one who is uncomfortable, stressed, and wishing the line would move faster, you’re mistaken. You’re all in this together, so be nice.

Keep Your Shoes On — I don’t care how you’re traveling, your shoes should remain on your feet from the time you leave your home until you arrive at your destination. At that point it’s up to the personal preferences of your hosts.

Enjoy the Journey — I know this sounds cheesy, but the first step to enjoying holiday travel is adjusting your own attitude. It may take a little longer than you would like, but if you have the right attitude holiday travel can actually be fun.

And on that note, I’ll leave you to your holiday preparations. Safe travels!

More on the Story: Forbes

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