Diaries Magazine

Home Pizza: An Italian Contemporary Kitchen in Warsaw Poland-

Posted on the 01 December 2011 by Juanas6s6nses @JuanitaNieto_
ENG. I love meeting people and making friends especially in unconventional and unique ways. That is why it is not strange for the ones who know Juana well to find out how I met Julia, a girl from Warsaw Poland. Julia and I met on a bus ride back from the airport. I had just arrived from Spain from visiting Mar when she used to live there. Julia was sitting next to me on the bus and she needed to use the phone because she couldn’t figure out where her hotel was and she was leaving the next day to Hong Kong from Milan. I lent her my phone to call, but immediately we realized that her hotel was a bit far away from the bus station and that it would have been very difficult for her to get there since it was quite late at night.  To make the story short, I offered her to stay at my house, because she seemed to be a truly nice person and as crazy as it may sound, I believe that sometimes we just need to help others  spontaneously to  gain something much greater, as a new friend in our life.  So today, it is a pleasure for me to introduce Home Pizza, Julia’s restaurant in Warsaw Poland. Let’s hear from Julia herself why we should all go and pay a visit to her restaurant if we ever get to visit the wonderful Warsaw!
There are people and places in Warsaw that you meet in a quite unique way. The way Juanita and I met, which was unexpected, unhoped-for but very much needed by me. The way that Home Pizza will surprise you, with an unexpected welcoming home atmosphere! The place is located in a centered area of the  rushing and pulsing contemporary city of Eastern Europe: Warsaw. Home Pizza it’s on Hoża Street NR 42, two steps from Marszałkowska Street which is the  “Champs Elysées” of Warsaw. Home Pizza is in the neighborhood of two of the most charismatic squares of the city: the Square of Three Crosses and Savior Square!
Why should you come to Home Pizza? It's nearby the best areas of the city and it's worth it! No big prices, only big home-tasting pizzas!
Home Pizza is authentic and it gives you that spontaneous feeling of a home. The authentic and spontaneous feeling you share when you meet someone for the first time in your life! The exciting feeling that makes you want to get to know more about the person and the place that you just met. I guess that is why it is called Home Pizza. We are not trying to be a traditional Italian kitchen but we are not shy about having a deep passion for it! What you can get here for sure is an honest personal vision of a contemporary European city with an Italian kitchen version.
Juanas bar
Home pizza

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