Many Of these Items can be found in your cupboards!
I love buying new makeup, but I find it the best brands can be Expensive. Being an avid lover of anything Sustainable, I decided to try and make my own things.
Here are some of my favorites, all tested by me. You may have to perfect the recipes yourself, so that they suit your skin tone and preferences. Feel free to leave suggestions in the comments below. Cleanser
Ingredients ~ 2-3 Tablespoons of Honey~ 100ml Filtered Water * Approximately~ 2 squirts of Liquid Soap, ( Or you can melt a cube of Soap for 30 seconds in the Microwave)~ 1 Empty Container, preferably a Pump BottleMethod :- 1. Spoon out your honey into your container. If the honey is not soft enough, microwave till runny.

This mixture will keep for approximately two weeks, after that you can make a new one. Top Tips~ Experiment with different colours and smells. ~ Tea tree oil and Rosemary are two products you could add in, to give your skin an extra special treat. ~ Why not use up whats left of a Foaming Facial wash, to make it a Foaming Cleanser!
Gentle Face ScrubA face scrub is a must in any Beauty Routine. Removes dead skin cells and unclogs your pores. This Face-scrub tutorial is very gentle on the face, whilst doing its job. I find that Shop ones are very rough.Although this method is longer, and takes perfecting to suit you, it leaves your skin super soft!
Ingredients~ 1 Chamomile herbal tea bag~ 1 Forest Fruit herbal tea bag~ 1 Mortar and Pestle ~ 2 Tablespoons of Sugar~ 1 Tablespoon of Semi-melting honey.Method :- 1. Brew yourself two cups of herbal tea, one of Chamomile and the other of Forest Fruit.2. Take out the tea bags, and place them in the Mortar ( Or a bowl)3. Wait for the tea bags to cool down, then carefully rip them open.4. Pour their content into the Mortar and gently crush. Do not crush them into a powder, just crush until they are rough but not harsh to the touch.5. Melt your honey for approximately twenty seconds or until soft.6. Mix together until thick but runny. 7. Add in your sugar, carefully mixing it in as you go. 8. If you think your mixture is too thick, add in a little water. If you think your mixture is not thick enough, add in more Sugar and Honey. Store in the fridge for about 30 minutes. This will let it cool and set. To use the Scrub ; Wet your face, and apply it ( Ignoring areas such as your eyes and mouth). Massage it onto your face in circular motions. You should feel it gently scrubbing away at your pores. Rinse off with water. Top Tips! ~ Use different types of Herbal tea~ Mix with a small amount of your favorite Face Mask, turn it into an Exfoliating Mask!MascaraWe all use Mascara, so why not try and make your own. Whether its to use regularly or if you have run out and need a quick fix. This recipe is super easy and quick too!
Ingredients ~ Vaseline or a thick Lip balm ~ 1 old tub or Mascara tube.~ 1 Mascara wand~ 1 old Eye-shadow~ 1 Teaspoon of WaterMethod :- 1. Take your Eye-shadow, and gently crush it. I find it easiest to crush it with a normal table knife, as I find it can get into the corners of the eye-shadow container easiest.2. Take your Vaseline and spoon it into your Container.3. Pour in your now crushes Eye-shadow4. Mix well for five minutes5. I found that the mixture was way too thick, so I added in one tea spoon of Water. You may find that this water seems to just "Sit" on top of the Mixture, but I assure you it does gently wet the formula. Therefor making it easier to apply. After you have dipped your Mascara want into the mixture, I strongly reccomend removing any clumps that you see on it before applying it. Im not yet sure how to improve the recipe and make it less clumpy. If you have any ideas please leave them in the comments!BB CreamBB cream is just perfect this time of year. Light on your skin, but still gives you enough coverage! This Recipe is more trial and error, as you have to find the right balance that fits you. Ingredients~ 1/3 of your Foundation~ 1/3 of your Favorite moisturizer ~ 5-7 sprays of Sun-cream, or two or three squirts. Method :- 1. Mix together your Foundation, Moisturizer and Sunscreen together.2. Carry on mixing, and test it on your cheeks. 3. Trial and error till you find just the right combination for you.
4. ** Optional ** add in a teaspoon of your favorite smelling cream. Tinted Lip balmA tinted lip-balm applies just a hint of color to your lips, whilst giving them just the amount of moisture that is needed. Here is how to make one, and its really simple!I sometimes find I can't find a color that suits me, with this easy was you can whip one up whenever you want! And have the shade perfect for the event!
Vermilion Red!
Ingredients~ A few lipsticks or Blushes of your choice~ Vaseline~ A small tub~ A plateMethod :-1. Scoop 2-3 Teaspoons of Vaseline into your Tub2. If you are using a powder blush, then remember to crush it up.3. Start mixing your Lipstick/Blush colours onto your plate, just like you would a paint, until you find just the right shade for you. For your first one, you might just want to start with a simple Vermilion Red.3. Now mix in your lipstick colours gently. 4. Put it in the fridge for around ten minutes, just to cool and harden it a little.
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