Self Expression Magazine

How Did I Meet Her

Posted on the 31 January 2013 by Killmenow @lbigfoot

Welcome to my site. You may want to check out my book, "Kill Me Now!". Thanks for visiting!

From reading my drivel, you all know that I am getting married. I have one book out there in the “Kill Me Now!” trilogy and working on the second and third and I am getting married. I am often asked “How did I meet her?”

I have a date


I had thought that I had written about this before and probably have on other sites, but since Valentine’s Day is coming up and soon after that, my nuptials, I guess I had better tell people again. There is of course still enough time for me to run. My friend Ed will gladly tell me to run, in fact he will probably drive the getaway vehicle.

Anyway, to make a short story long, I had met my dear Sharon via and had made a date. On the first date, I phoned Sharon and told her I was not feeling well and asked if we could postpone. She accepted. I did not tell her why. Who wants to date someone who is in a bad mood. Hey, not me. Although I have been know to turn bad moods around! As it turns out, Sharon did not believe me. In the online world, many people cancel on the first date, sometimes because they got a better offer. So Sharon was thinking, “There is another one!”

After a strenuous workout session, I called her up and made plans for Tuesday. Hey, she said yes. There was total disbelief in her voice. You mean this jerk actually called back? Maybe this jerk is not really a jerk and Sharon was wrong?

So Sharon and I arranged to meet on Tuesday at 9:30pm. I left my office at 8:30pm to go home  to shower, shave and have a bite to eat. I got to my car and lo and behold, I had the mother of all flat tires. The area was pitch black and I was the only one around, still dressed in work attire!

I called Sharon and told her the story and of course, I heard total disbelief. I did offer to send her a picture of the tire. “Well”, Sharon said “Fix the tire and call me back and we will see.” Cool! She was being accommodating. But was she still testing me!

The question now is how to fix this tire. First of all there is no light. Second I am in my work attire and third, I have no idea how to fix a flat tire. Never done it before and neither had my father. Despite what women think, men do not come with instruction manuals on how to fix things. Not something that was passed from father to son. Somehow I have gone through life without needing to change a flat tire. Maybe I should open the bonnet and scratch my head. Will not help as there was no one around to impress with my lack of knowledge.

iPhone flashlight to the rescue!  I managed to replace the tire but I was now filthy dirty and not smelling so good. Ewwww, I wouldn’t even want to get in the car with me.

I called up Sharon wanting to cancel, but decided to meet her anyway, after a shower of course. But Sharon met me and the first date went quite well and guess what there was even a second date. Personally I do not remember much about the first date just that all I wanted was to go home to sleep.

Archie has a flat tire

I sometimes wonder what she thought of that first meet and what she saw in me that warranted a second date. I will just say I am lucky and shut up, until Ed comes and releases me.

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