A Mosaic to Me
what Butter is to Popcorn.
* BLISS * Seventh Heaven * Cloud Nine * Walking on Air *

Père Lachaise Cemetery Mosaic Detail
Was that enough descriptors for you? I had to look those up in a thesaurus. Impressive, huh? I want a prize for opening an imaginary book with the title THESAURUS.
Deliver cupcakes to me, STAT.
There is serious BLISS-FUL-NESS mosaic conversation about to happen here.
So brace yourself.
Everyone has a hobby, non? If you don’t have a hobby, go get one for Pete’s sake.
Hobbies are cool.
All the cool kids have hobbies. Or they drink cheap vodka in their ugly basement. That is not so cool. Take your pick. I personally like to have a hobby AND drink cheap vodka in my basement ~ while doing a mosaic.

Creating a mosaic on mesh for transfer - Fun stuff !
The cool thing about being a mosaic artist is : you are probably thinking that mosaicists are the most patient people in the whole wide world.
Saintly patient.
Here it goes…the cat is about to come out of the bag….We tricked you. We mosaicists are not goddesses of patience. NO sir-eeeeee. Oh contraire.
We are glass-tableware-bits of anything ninja stompers that smash things with streaks of energy. You can quote me on that. We will break anything, if it means a beauty mosaic will come to fruition. Another big word. I didn’t even need the thesaurus for that one.
Spell check, yes.
Thesaurus, No

This mosaic was created for my friends at CAMP TAWINGO. 'Bits of Everything' went into that one.
See what mosaics have done to me? They made me smart. Not smart enough to avoid cheap vodka, or binging on cupcakes…Can we pretend I don’t do that ?
Mosaic work is like therapy.
Only at a much higher level of enjoyment. You don’t have to lay on a sofa and talk to a therapist. Ok, I made that up. Do therapist offices really have a sofa ??!! I bet that only happens in the movies. If I went to a therapy, and the therapist had a sofa…..
I would surely have a nap.
There would be no talking going on.
Napping is where it is at.
I might be a nap Goddess. I excel at naps. A total pro.

Mosaic stove base created from floor tile~ hit with a HAMMER , and mixed with bits of mirror
Mosaics can have a TWO FOLD LOVE.
You can admire them
and/or you can create them.
I love both options :
I admire.
I create.
I also make a fool of myself. Maybe you should avoid that option.

A mosaic mirror created with a group of women and a lot of wine. Dangerously fun.
I started doing mosaics many moons ago. It started off rather innocently. I can be a bit of a klutz. I trip over my own feet. I break things. Accidentally. At first. Then, I started ‘on purpose breakage’. Oh geezz, I think I just made those words up. My bad.
I originally started my design life as a visual merchandiser for Royal Doulton. I lost count of how many times I accidentally knocked the head off of a figurine. I started to seriously wonder if the big bosses were going to notice & start docking my pittance pay.
I have actually CAUSED a figurine head to roll down the middle of a retail store aisle.
In front of the store owner.
Special delivery.
Yours truly *
* I bet you are never going to invite me to your home. I bet you are hiding the fine china at this very moment.

Vitreous Glass, Beads, and Mirror Mosaic in Progress
I have, in fact, smashed fine china [ Sorry Royal Doulton ]
I hit it with a hammer.
I created some seriously ugly rockin’ hot stuff back then.
I started covering stupid stuff…like pots…bird feeders, even our lamps. I mosaic’ed anything that wasn’t moving. Our dog was lucky to escape my gluey fingers.

Reverse Method Mosaic- It's tricky thinking backwards, upside down, whateve. Great lizard distraction tho.
Fast forward many years… cassette tapes, pet rocks, disco, and a whole lotta bottles of cheap vodka in my once ugly basement. Throw in some glue, books, mosaic conferences, and four kids. Nothing escaped my mosaic looking glass. Didn’t matter what I looked at. I saw MOSAIC.
My mosaic life changed…peace by piece.
And now I can’t help myself. Now I want to teach you how to mosaic. Today’s post is the beginning of a series of DIY mosaic projects. You can create some rockin’ hot stuff (don’t worry, I have already covered off the ugly creations for you). Been there. Done that. Got the ugly mosaic poster. I have made every single mosaic mistake known to woman man. I will save you the hassle of mosaic stupidness.
Do as I say, not as I do.
I started to create my own mosaics in our home. Smart and stupid, all at once.
Good news : Mosaics are permanent and lasting.
Bad news : Mosaics are permanent and lasting.
I thought about that permanent and lasting issue when I saw this building in my French travels…..

This photo MAKES it look good. It was like a skunk threw up.
- I am now in the arena of knowing ‘enough to be dangerous’ when it comes to mosaic creation. I can get myself into a lot of trouble. I kinda forgot, that as my style/ designs change, so would my taste.
- Duh.
- The mosaics are still here though. Someone was hit with a stupid stick when she came up with a plan to make so many PERMANENT MOSAIC PIECES in her home. Not mentioning any names.
- I will leave it up to your good judgment ( use it, folks) *_*, to decide if you want it permanent
- or
- hanging on your wall= to be easily removed. At a later date.
Michael wished that I put the faucets in a different place on the mermaid. I will give you three guesses where he wanted them. The first two guesses don’t count. Truth is, little miss mermaid pants is not really my style anymore. See what I mean about the PERMANENT thaaaang? Well, I am keeping her, because she is created from about 4 billion blood sweat and tears mosaic pieces.
Ready to join me on the DIY Mosaic journey?
Get ready…
Mosaic life is one that is pieced together …
a little bit at a time…

A present for my Dad. He loved life.
And is worth every bit of effort.
Ready to give it a try ?
You won’t believe what you will discover about yourself.
P.s. Shortcuts are allowed. You can admire. Or you can create. Any option. We are here to have some kicks. No pressure. I don’t want to drive you to drink cheap vodka in your ugly basement. Remember, you can learn from my mistakes