Self Expression Magazine

How To Get Your Ex Back, If You Really Really Want To

Posted on the 02 December 2013 by Killmenow @lbigfoot

Welcome to my site. You may want to check out my book, "Kill Me Now!". Thanks for visiting!

My blog generally focuses on dating and relationships. But what happens when it all goes wrong? For me, I got a book out of it. I also met a wonderful woman! Today guest blogger Kevin Thompson wants to talk about How to get your ex back, that is if you really want to. Kevin writes about breakups and reconciliation at his blog and has joined us today to share some tips.

How To Get Your ex back

How to get your ex back

Image courtesy of Stuart Miles at

If you and your girlfriend breakup, this pretty much means that your relationship with her was broken. You tried, probably your best, and it didn’t work. But some people are just hell bent on making a relationship work even though it ended. They’ll do anything to get their ex back. Well, if you are one of those guys than this article is for you.

First of all, you have to understand that if she broke up with you, your mind is in complete chaos. You will be feeling rejected and will probably be acting needy and desperate. This neediness is going to drive her even further away and make her think the decision to breakup was the right one.

That’s why you should stop doing anything and everything that shows even the slightest sign of your neediness. This includes calling her, texting her, posting on her Facebook wall, standing outside her favorite coffee shop waiting for her to show up and even accidentally running into her. That is not fooling anybody.

As soon as you stop being needy, she is going to start wondering what the heck changed in you. In fact, it will be an instant attraction builder for you. She will start missing you and sooner or later, she is going to contact you. The more you pull away, the more she will try to push.

If she contacts you, you can even take it a step further and don’t answer her. This is going to make her a little mad but she will start wondering whether you have moved on. She will start to realize that she may lose you forever. This is when she is going to start remembering how awesome you were and how lucky she was to have you in her life.

Give it a few more days and then you contact her. A small text will do. However, just keep things light and be cool about everything. Make sure you don’t show any sign of neediness and act like you just want to catch up.

From this point on, you have to treat her like you would any other girl you want to start dating. You build up attraction slowly and then ask her out. Just make sure when you ask her out; you don’t make it completely obvious that you want to get back together. Take things slowly and make her fall in love with you again.

K. Thompson has been helping people with breakups for the past two years. He believes some relationships deserve another chance while some deserve to be ended forever.

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By Sanju Shastri
posted on 06 July at 15:12

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