I'm a firm believer that tassels are jewelry for your home. If you can't already tell, I basically think all knitting is beyond fabulous and needs to be in my bra.
Annnnd TASSELS?!!!!
Tassels take knitting to a whole new level of erhmergerd. A total bra stuffer of awesome.

Knitting solves nearly almost completely everything. Knitting projects will keep you from unraveling. I kid you not. Best thing ever.
Knit blankets + tassels + knitting from deep within the couch= heaven.
I'm dead.

Last minute projects? Me? Umm, never. Always. Never. Um, me always.
I bought drop dead easy knits for moments like that. Beeteedubs, it has some great patterns in it... they are beginner-ish but some projects are pretty complex (if you plan on knitting and Netflix binge watching at the same time.) Not that I would do that. I would totally do that.
I have my eye on this purrrty wool for a sock pattern in the book. This wool looks divine for a blanket too!
Do you love chunky wool blankets?!
This free chunky wool blanket pattern and this pattern on my blog are super duper FAST knits. You can start and finish a project in a weekend. A weekend !! <-I screamed that. The birch needles are here on d'blog too. Hey, knitting will keep you from unraveling.

Make knitting your weekend plan!
Note to self: I just ate popcorn for dinner and liquorice for dessert, so take my words with a grain of salt. I'm clearly not skilled at responsible life decisions.
Okay. So you don't want to knit a blanket BUT you want to make tassels? I'm not judging you, weird0. I found some back flipping pretty knit blankets here. I love buying knit blankets online! Shopping malls make me want to kick people in the back of the knees.
I also lurve these blankets ... espesh the white ones. Don't judge me. I'm addicted to W H I T E. Ask my Instagram feed. Beeeteeedubs, do you love insta? I love Instagram, so I'm obviously an expert.
Aren't the blankets stunning? Great prices too! You're welcome to gift me one of them, if you want. I will NOT be mad at you.
I've paid under $100 for a knit blanket <- Which is otherwise known as a score and then I attached tassels, like a boss. It looks like the most dope thing, this side of the border.

(yup, you really need one)
I found some of this soft creamy white merino wool, so expect to see it used in a few more projects. I'm anticipating using it in pretty much everything in my life.
Scissors are like what socks are in my house. I have piles of both but can never find either when needed. Please tell me this is one of your things too.

These T A S S E L S ...
Oh my. They are like like WHOA!
Get ready to leap out of your chair and do the boom-chicka-wow-wow all over d'place.

They are my favourite thing-a-ma-jingies in the history of ever.

Gather together a ball of yarn, sharp scissors, and a surface to wrap your yarn around AKA book.
I used a thick book to wind my wool around, but it all depends on how big you want your tassels to be; the bigger the surface, the bigger the tassels.
Remember to start and finish wrapping the yarn from the same edge (with a book, this is the paper edge)
Continue wrapping until you reach a desired thickness.
I wrapped around the book 20 times.
The more you wrap, the thicker your tassel will be.

Using a 12 inch piece of yarn, tuck it through the wrapped bundle of yarn along the edge of the book. Fold the yarn in half, so that it is centered on the tassel.
Tie a knot.

I wanted the tassels to be insanely simple and frill-free. No weird crazy braiding rope-y things. This time. LOL. Ooo! Maybe I should knit a WINE CUP HOLDER COMING OUT OF IT? Just k .i .d .d .i .n .g.

Just to clarify, make sure to keep an equal amount of yarn on both sides when you pull the ends of the yarn through the loop. Pull it tight and tie a knot, as this forms the top of your tassel.
Loop the 2 strands of yarn into the blanket edge and tie a knot. Loop them back to the tassel and knot again on the inside underside of the tassel(thereby hiding the strands.)
This is the point where your face may slightly resemble this -> ?!?!?!?!!!!!
I made it sound way more complicated than it is.
Don't fret. It's supes easy.
You got this.

Take another piece of yarn and tie a knot around the width of the yarn approx 2 inches down from the top of the tassel. Your tassel is almost looking like a tassel!!!

Tuck the strings of the tie in, so it blends with the rest of the tassel.
Cut through all the layers of yarn at the bottom of the tassel.
Snip the excess AKA give it a wee haircut.
You did it!!!
Drops the mic. Walks off the stage.
PS. what do you think of pom-poms? Should we make those next?