Self Expression Magazine

How to Propose That Special Person?

Posted on the 24 June 2012 by Rituraj

How to propose that special person?Ah! Going through the blues of that feeling called Love?  You don’t have to think you are the only misfortunate person in the world craving for that someone’s attention. There are a hell lot more. Personally even I have had the same blues once. :)Anyway so the story starts here- you like someone. You have known him well and gradually you have harbored the feelings for him. This article applies to both girls and boys. If you have managed to bag a first date with that person, and you are at a dead end as to what to do, how to behave …then don’t be baffled! Here are some easy tips to just nail it right!·   Don’t be too anxious: I know you are restless you want to tell her /him how you feel, you want to get over with the doubt of whether he/she likes you too. But don’t show that to the other person. Don’t make them know that you are too anxious for it to happen. Some people just take a foot back if they see the other person pursuing a little too hard. You know, I know how nervous and restless you feel when you are out in that date but don’t let her/him know. Don’t push it.·   Take it slow- after you reach the venue, don’t start putting your feelings right across the table. Be slow. Talk about normal stuff, stuff that two friends talk about when they meet. Gradually take it to a point where it might be ok to start off the thing for which you guys have met.·   Don’t get too emotional: you like him. That’s fine but please don’t cry if he is not ready for taking the step with you. You can cry at home, and that’s very understandable. But not in front of him (I hope this doesn’t apply to guys..:p). That’s the worst thing. You don’t want to have his sympathy, do you? At the same moment don’t get infuriated and scowl at him for making a mistake. Be normal. Be casual. If he says a no, take it well. Don’t talk filmy like I’ll be waiting for you and blah. Those works in the movies not in real life. Please.  Just don’t over react. You have to know what you might feel may not be what the other person might feel. . A mature adult won’t ask “why did u not say yes? Blah blah!” He will just say ok and not question it anymore. ·   Oh another blunder you can do is compare yourself to the other person’s ex. Don’t say she did this to you I wont do that. Don't say that. Also don’t start telling your future plans to him like how you hope to get married and all. C’mon, you are not even sure what he/she is gonna say. How can you plan so much? It’s a turn off for most people and it fails to impress. ·   Tell him how you realized that you have fallen for him. Tell him about the small situations in your life and what you did about it when it concerned him. Tell that just as if you are telling a good story. Don’t be melodramatic.·   While taking leave too, don’t get emotional. Go away while making him/her the feel that you will be comfortable to talk again. She/he won’t be in any uncomfortable position about the proposal. Although don’t make it look like  it was something a fling for you may be, you wont need time to forget him/her. That’s bad. Just give her/him the feel that you are serious about what you said but you won’t push her/him for it. You will giver her space and she can talk about it whenever she wants to. Part as if you are open to talking more in the future.
After coming back knowing that the person doesn’t see you in that way, wait for him /her to call. If it doesn’t happen then you call him. But make it normal catching up kinda talk. Don’t charge him as “why didn’t you call me up? I am still your friend, etc.” don’t bring up the subject of why you did this again. He/she might get irritated and might not talk to you again only. You don’t want to lose a friend, do you? :( People tend to do these because when they come back home they get struck again by the lonely feeling and all; they get more depressed and do this. During this time talk to your friends, go out with them. While you can never forget about it still you will be able to keep your mind away from it for sometime.Last but not the least; remember its okay to get hurt. Everyone gets hurt. You can cry your heart out in your room. Everyone does that. But don’t lose hope. Life is a long way to go. You will surely find someone better and worth you. At least it happened with meJ.

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