After coming back knowing that the person doesn’t see you in that way, wait for him /her to call. If it doesn’t happen then you call him. But make it normal catching up kinda talk. Don’t charge him as “why didn’t you call me up? I am still your friend, etc.” don’t bring up the subject of why you did this again. He/she might get irritated and might not talk to you again only. You don’t want to lose a friend, do you? :( People tend to do these because when they come back home they get struck again by the lonely feeling and all; they get more depressed and do this. During this time talk to your friends, go out with them. While you can never forget about it still you will be able to keep your mind away from it for sometime.Last but not the least; remember its okay to get hurt. Everyone gets hurt. You can cry your heart out in your room. Everyone does that. But don’t lose hope. Life is a long way to go. You will surely find someone better and worth you. At least it happened with meJ.