Creativity Magazine

How to Write Kick Ass Product Descriptions

Posted on the 08 November 2012 by Kittyfairy @KittyFairy

It doesn’t matter what you are selling. Whether its beauty products, jewellery, computer software or mobile homes, you need to write a solid product description.  Without a good description of your product, what it does and what your customers should expect from it, then customers may jump to a few conclusions:

1. That you are not passionate enough about your product to tell them why it is so amazing.

2. That you don’t know your product very well

3. You’re only interested in making money, rather than customer satisfaction.

It doesn’t matter if these three “notions” aren’t strictly true, but this is what people are going to be thinking. So, it really is important to take some time to sit down and really analyze not only your product, but also your potential customers.

1. Step in your customers shoes and get personal

What gap in their life, is your product going to fill? What problems is it going to solve? Try and get to know your customers well, so that you can really understand what is going to motivate them into buying your product. If you’re not entirely sure what kind of person your customer is going to be, look at the competition. Who are they selling to? How are they promoting their products?

How to use this: Once you fully understand your customers wants and needs, write as if you are talking directly to them. Be light-hearted, casual and urge your customers to feel like you are their friend and that they can trust you.

Remember: Get personal. Solve their problems. Make it look like this product was designed especially for them.

2. Avoid Technical Jargon

Virtually every industry is full of jargon that only people in “the know” really understand. You have to come to pretend that your customers are very young children or an older person, even if they most definitely are not. This isn’t to say that you should patronise them, but what it does mean is that you should try to avoid using jargon as much as you can, and if you absolutely have to, then you should explain what certain things mean.

Think of it this way, if your Grandmother doesn’t understand exactly how your product works, then you’re not explaining it well enough.

How to use this: The beauty industry is bursting with jargon, that the majority of us don’t understand. Terms like “Non-comedogenic”, “hypoallergenic” and “ophthalmologically tested” often appear on packaging, but what do they mean? If they don’t mean anything, don’t use them. But if they do, consider including a dictionary of terms, or actually explain what it means in the description.

Remember: Breaking things down is not patronising. Of course a lot of people will know what terms mean, but a lot of people won’t.

3. Offer all the information that Customers need

Some advisors might tell you that offering all the information is counter-productive because it stops people asking questions, and once you have people asking questions, it allows you to draw them in with sales pitch. This might work well – at times – in the real world. However, on the Internet – and very often, in the real world too – people do not like asking questions, for the exact reason that you want to them. They just want the basic information, but are too intimidated to ask, because they are not interested in the hard sell. Therefore, you have just lost a potential customer.

How to use this: Think of all the questions that a customer might have about your product, and try to answer them in your description. Have a FAQ if necessary, but try to keep things simple.

Remember: Include everything that they might need to know about buying, as well as using, the product. You should include things, such as: Price, Colour, Size, How to Use, How to Clean, How many uses they should expect to get out of it, How to Replace Parts (include links if necessary) etc. If you are selling different colours, try to describe what the shade looks like.

4. Be Descriptive

It’s easy to say that a “dress is red”, but red doesn’t sound very interesting does it? How about “fire-red” or “passion red”? In fact, the word “dress” doesn’t really offer a great deal either does it? Describe the style. Is it knee-length, a maxi or a midi? Does it have a halter neck, sleeves, slim straps? How does the dress fit in with current trends? Is it suitable for the current season, or a specific event, such as a Christmas party or a wedding?

How to use this: Most people tend to buy things such as clothes and beauty products, with a specific occasion in mind. So, tell customers when they might wear it, and even how they should wear it.

Remember: Get personal, and create a narrative that speaks directly to your customer. Get into their head and try to understand what they might be looking for.

Make a product sound alluring and appealing.

5. Always stay Positive

All products have their minor flaws, that’s a given. However, there is a fine line between being honest about your product and making your description sound negative. Doing the latter is of course going to put people off. Therefore, it is essential that everything you write should always be positive, no matter what you are trying to say.

How to use this: If your product isn’t necessarily are good as a competitor, imagine the reasons why a customer might choose you, even in the knowledge that yours might not be as amazing. Things like cost, larger variety of shades. Draw their attention to these facts, without mentioning that the rival product might be better.

If you feel yourself becoming negative in your copy, cut it out and don’t mention it.

Remember: Never lie about your product, because the moment you do is the moment you tread on dangerous ground. A lot of beauty companies exaggerate about how good a product is, but again be careful if you decide to do this.

Stay positive.

Final Thought:

Don’t be afraid to take inspiration from the competition – a little – as long as you only use their ideas as a jumping off point, twisting it around and leaving your own stamp on things. On the other hand, don’t be afraid to do the complete opposite to your competitors either. Sometimes, being different is enough to intrigue.

Be faithful in your product, but not so faithful that you leave it to sell itself. Unless you are one of the really big companies, it is very unlikely this will succeed.

Don’t be afraid to admit you are wrong. If something isn’t working, take a look at it and re-work it to see if that works better.

Most importantly, good luck.

To hire me to write your product descriptions, please do get in touch

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How to Write Kick Ass Product Descriptions

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