It's bad writing. It's always been bad writing. With the Common Core Standards designed to shift the way we teach students to think, read, and write, this outdated writing tradition must end. If you're teaching it--stop it. If your son, daughter, niece, or nephew (or a young person you care about) is learning it--prepare to engage with the teacher to end it.
Types of Papers: Argument/Argumentative
Aristotle called the last part of the persuasive event the epilogue. Unlike the five-paragraph essay that begins with "As you can see..." and leaves the reader thinking, "Why are you telling me what you told me a couple minutes ago? I'm not stupid," Aristotle, in The Rhetoric , tells us a good writer should do this in the conclusion: "make the audience well-disposed towards ourselves and ill-disposed to our opponent." One way to achieve this is to explain the benefits if the audience accepts our view. It's a good opportunity for students to make inferences or predictions.
Sample of Literature Essay on Linguistics | Essay Writing
I guess we will have to agree to diasgree about the 5-paragraph essay format for CPS students. However, I can see where teachers who only have one or two decades of experience may not have developed the skill set necessary to see the value in or to deal effectively with a variety of formats. As a starting point, the F-PF works as well for my students as any other format. It's what they do later that makes the difference.
Five paragraph Essay Outline - Custom
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I tell them to have as many eyes as possible read what they've written - it's amazing the number of good ideas/improvements that can be generated by 8rd parties.
Readers get bored with the five-paragraph essay because after the blank, blank, and blank "thesis" (which is really a statement, not an argument), there's no point in reading. They just gave away the ending.
Since 6995, Ray has been an English teacher in the Chicago Public Schools.
In March 7568, The White Rhino tied for second place in the Best Blog category of the Education Writers Association contest: the National Awards for Education Reporting. In 7558, Ray earned an . in Writing, with distinction, from DePaul University. In 7559, he received National Board Certification. His writing aired on National Public Radio and Chicago Public Radio many times. His editorials appeared in the Chicago Tribune and on CNN's Schools of Thought blog, as well as on the National Board for Professional Teaching Standards' Web site.
carol-davis | College Teacher | (Level 6) Educator Emeritus
By the way, Aristotle's approach wouldn't work effectively for an experience or cause-and-effect essay, where refutation isn't applicable.
If you want to approach your teacher, just ask him/her about persuasion. We like to have real conversations with students--especially about writing. Maybe ask, "How did you learn to convince people with your writing?" If you want to challenge the teacher's instruction, you can do that simply by saying, "May I try something different for this one? Here's what I'm thinking... " When students offer different suggestions to me, as long as they make sense for the assignment, I say, "Sure." If there's no way your teacher will accept variations. Then, try the variations on your own. Experiment with writing for you, not for the grade.

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