Self Expression Magazine

…hunker Down

Posted on the 18 January 2014 by Zer @the2women

snow tongues by Paul Moody on Flickr

Well, we’re almost all the way through January and back at a much more tolerable frigid. Many may have even dared to dream of spring. Well you optimists, you, I have some bad news.

…hunker down

Yes, just when we got accustomed to the balmy temperatures of the mid-twenties to lower-thirties, and dared to cut our layers down to three, it seems the polar vortex may be making an encore performance.

Luckily, this time we’re all seasoned bone-chilling cold veterans. Right?

No more stupid moves like throwing boiling hot water at our friends, or into the wind when we decide to test the boiling water trick. Right?

We’ll all appropriately layer and wear appropriate footwear this time around. Right?

Don’t worry, you still have time to prepare yourself emotionally. Cry your tears now, because subzero temps and misty do not mix well.

Polar Vortex: The Sequel will be here in approximately 11-15 days, just in time for the Super Bowl…in New York…outside…have fun you guys.


TIME: The Polar Vortex Is Probably Coming Back

…bi-daily smile…

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